
Implementations for Scattering at 1.8 Volt between Battery-less Transponder and Mobile Telephones

Abstract—This work concerns advanced implementations of a battery-less transponder operated by intentionally generated wireless signals in the 2:4GHz ISM band. The wireless signals consist of a power supplying data stream and of a quasicontinuous Bluetooth RF (radio frequency) signal, which enables the transponder to back-scatter the RF signal to a receiver. Our setup uses two regular, unmodified mobile telephones, one for transmitting the signals, the other for receiving the scattered signals. The transponder modulates the quasi-continuous RF signal according to a subcarrier and a predetermined 1 Mbit=s bit-stream. The present extended study further compares advanced implementation techniques: Micro Controller Unit (MCU), FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) and ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) and implements a CPLD test version. Experimental results suggest that our CPLD is more suitable than MCU or FPGA implementations. The paper further demonstrates the transition from a fully synchronous to a low-power asynchronous CPLD implementation. The measured power consumption for generating the bit-stream is 87 W, which results in a 6-fold reduction compared to our previous work. Accordingly, the asynchronous CPLD implementation increases total efficiency by 40% and it is expected that this will significantly extend the wireless operational range of the battery-less transponder. Thus, the CPLD technology enables fast, flexible, and costeffective implementation, particularly in the field of research and development.
Index Terms—back-scattering, battery-less, harvesting, mobile telephone, subcarrier, MCU, DMA, FPGA, CPLD, ASIC.

This pdf contains the author's version.
The final authenticated version is available online at 10.1109/JRFID.2024.3428359

Roman Willi, Lars Kamm, Paul Zbinden, OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences - Rapperswil, Switzerland / Matthias Schütz, idp invent ag - Olten, Switzerland, 2024
Zeitschrift / Sammelband:
IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification ( Volume: 8)
Ort / Verlag:
Seiten / Kapitel:
671 - 676