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Renewable Metal Fuels as Sustainable Seasonal Energy Storage

Covering Winter Peaks of Heat and Electricity Demand

Renewable Metal Fuels (ReMeF) have great potential to store renewable energy for several months. A thorough criteria evaluation of possible candidates was conducted, considering (1) abundance in the Earth's crust, (2) world reserves, (3) market price and its development, (4) energy density, and (5) potential increase in metal production. Aluminium, iron, and silicon are the most favourable candidates that can be safely stored, easily transported, and recycled to provide a sustainable closed-loop energy storage solution. Technology development to produce ReMeF without direct greenhouse gas emissions or CO2-neutral is expected to reach full commercialization by 2030. In addition, several research institutes, EU research projects, and even start-up companies have been identified that are developing technologies for various small and large scale applications that generate heat and/or electricity via heat or hydrogen from ReMeF.

Y. I. Baeuerle, M. Y. Haller, 2024
Zeitschrift / Sammelband:
Proceedings of the International Renewable Energy Storage and Systems Conference (IRES 2023), Atlantis Highlights in Engineering 32
Ort / Verlag:
Atlantis Press International BV
Seiten / Kapitel: