Workshop Chemical Recyling: Potentials and Challenges

Chemical recycling of plastics is gaining increasing importance in the context of global efforts to tackle plastic waste and greenhouse gas emissions by advanced recycling technologies.


Workshop Chemical Recyling: Potentials and Challenges

Dienstag, 26. Nov 2024 , 09:00 - 17:15 Uhr ,
OST Campus Buchs/hybrid

However, there are huge disagreements and knowledge gaps on whether this technology is feasible and reasonable. The workshop is intended to build up knowledge and networks between research groups, startups, and plant manufacturers that are dealing with chemical recycling, to discuss and clarify diverging positions, and to identify starting points for making practical use of chemical recycling processes in Switzerland.

Event concept

  • Joint initiative of OST, FHNW, and Empa
  • One-day, hybrid event (ca. 9:30 – 17:00)
  • keynote, full and short talks with plenum discussion
  • parallel, moderated breakout sessions on special topics
  • breaks for business lunch, refreshments and networking
  • in-person participation (139.- CHF, limited number)
  • online participation (39.- CHF, unlimited)

Topics and questions

  • Definitions, regulations, technical overview​
  • facts, controversies, state of the art, market, players ​
  • Pyrolysis and hydrolysis of thermoplastics; thermosets/composites; textiles/fibers
  • practical approaches, discussion, knowledge transfer 

Confirmed speakers

  • Elias Rehmann, BAFU
  • Irina Yarulina, Sulzer Chemtech
  • Tim Börner, Empa/HES-SO
  • Pascal Gallo, Composite Recycling
  • Christopher Ireland, Michael Lamotte, DePoly
  • Pueng That, Stavolt AG
  • Mike Schwarz, Worn Again

Preliminary agenda

09.00 Welcome coffee
09.30 Opening and keynote
10.05 Technological and economic reviews
10.25 Technological overview
10.45 Coffee break & networking 
11.15 Breakout sessions I (topics to be defined)
12.15 Business lunch & networking 
13.15 6 impulse talks 10 min each
14.45 Coffee break & networking 
15.15 Breakout sessions II (topics to be defined)
16.15 Wrap-up, panel discussion, and outlook

OST Campus Buchs/hybrid
