Social commerce research: An integrated view

Vollständige Referenz: Social commerce research: An integrated view by: Lina Zhou, Ping Zhang, Hans-Dieter Zimmermann Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 12, No. 2. (April 2013), pp. 61-68, doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2013.02.003 (final draft) Abstract: Social commerce has quickly emerged as a new area of inquiry for both practitioners and researchers, suggesting the potential impacts of social media and social networking technologies and services in shaping commercial channels on and off the Internet. This essay starts by providing a brief overview of social commerce research and practice in light of the wide attention it has drawn in the industry. Then, we propose a research framework with an integrated view of social commerce that consists of four key components: business, technology, people, and information. The framework helps us understand the development of social commerce research and practice to date. Subsequently, we report some preliminary findings from a bibliometric study of academic and industry publications in social commerce to reveal recent trends and research topics, as well as some verification of the research framework. Finally, we discuss five articles in this special issue and categorize them in terms of the proposed social commerce research framework.

Art der Arbeit
Wissenschaftliche Texte
Lina Zhou, Ping Zhang, Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
HansDieter Zimmermann
social media, social commerce, ecommerce, social networking, social shopping