Overcoming the service paradox in manufacturing companies with IoT solutions

Overcoming the service paradox in manufacturing companies with IoT solutions anufacturers strive to grow and improve margins by investing in the extension of the service business. However, practice shows that these investments often result in poor returns, due to, for instance, missing service cultures and no clear focus on the value proposition to customers. Thanks to the IoT manufacturers are given promising opportunities to redefine their service approach with new business models and deeper customer relationships; prerequisites for a successful service business. In the short term they may encounter customers’ reluctance to invest in IoT solutions. Though, the IoT will likely be embraced by all industry stakeholders in the near future. Master-Thesis als PDF: auf Anfrage

Art der Arbeit
Thomas Lieberherr
Rigo Tietz
iot, digitalization, service paradox, servitization, digital transformation, business model, business model innovation