Sales Excellence: Business discussion forum for SMEs and large-scale enterprises in B2B sales

B2B sales is becoming increasingly complex. Customers are often relying on a greater number of less established channels. This results in huge data volumes and changes in customer requirements, often with fewer clear conclusions for the sales side. Many developments can be attributed to digitalization. Digitalization and access to information transform traditional B2B market structures, while offering enormous opportunities on the customer and supply side. We analyze: what exactly has changed? How should B2B Sales react to this transformation and what proactive steps should be taken to help shape the change?

We would like to invite you to a dialog-based B2B Sales forum to analyze new challenges and develop approaches that make everyday work easier and more productive. The Sales Excellent BDF begins on March 8, 2024.

Challenges in B2B Sales

Sales teams strive to close deals quickly, increase revenue, and ensure smooth cooperation between the back office and sales team in the field. Markets, products, and customer purchasing habits are becoming increasingly complex and posing new challenges.

  1. Innovative new business models: improved technologies present B2B Sales with the prospect of disruptive changes. New, digital providers, in part from B2C Sales, operate with innovative business models, such as digital trading platforms, which make offers more transparent and comparable, increasing the demands on market participants.
  2. Changing customer characteristics: B2B customers are as diverse as their respective industries and products. Increasingly, customers are informing themselves using online searches and discussions within communities and networks with peers and industry insiders. In some cases, customers are then becoming experts themselves and posing new challenges for B2B companies by requesting detailed product specifications.
  3. Products are becoming more complex and varied: in addition to customer markets, products are also evolving into more complex, integrated solutions, which also increases the demands on sales. Variety on the market coupled with a growing product portfolio likewise increase complexity and present sales staff with new challenges.
  4. A more complex customer journey: today's B2B Sales increasing follows a pull strategy. Initial contact and impetus are increasingly coming from the customer, shifting the decision on how, when, and where the interaction takes place to the customer side. Examining and correctly interpreting the customer journey across numerous touch points and multi-channels places considerable demand on Sales teams.

Advantages of our Sales Excellence BDF

What our BDF can offer you:

  • Expertise and insights: meet with industry peers to learn about proven methods and successful strategies for overcoming specific challenges.
  • Practical solutions: find out how other businesses have mastered similar challenges and how you can apply these solutions in your organization.
  • Input from academia and the economy: the team at OST enrich the exchange with practical trends and approaches from academia and business, ensuring that a targeted and solution-oriented dialog is held for the benefit of the participants.
  • Expanded network: use our BDF network to benefit from diverse perspectives and support one another.

Ready to take part?

If you are ready to tackle the challenges as a group and benefit from the experience of your peers, you are invited to become part of our BDF.

Further information on specific topics, framework conditions, and registration options can be found in the fact sheet.

To register, please use the registration form and return it by post or email to the contact persons.

Group moderator Dr. Ronald Ivancic or Flavio De Bortoli will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Contact people

Dr. Ronald Ivancic, Mag. mult

IOL Institut für Organisation und Leadership Dozent

+41 58 257 17 39

Flavio De Bortoli

IOL Institut für Organisation und Leadership Wissenschaftlicher Assistent

+41 58 257 13 59