Institute for Energy Systems IES
Therm. & El.
Energy Systems

Heat Pump Test Center WPZ Buchs

The Heat Pump Test Center WPZ is an EN 17025 accredited inspection authority and offers comprehensive testing service in the field of heat pump and refrigeration technology.

The performance tests carried out at our test facility include the determination of the heating or cooling capacity as well as the corresponding performance figures (COP, EER).

The measurements comply with the international testing regulations EN 14511, EN 14825 or EN 16147 and the extended requirements of the EHPA inspection regulations, the ErP- or the NF guidelines. With the inspection performed at the WPZ, it is possible to obtain the international quality label (EHPA) or the registration for NF (not limited to these). 

Accredited scope

With the inspection performed at the WPZ, it is possible to obtain the international label of approval or the registration for NF. 

The Heat Pump Test Center WPZ is approved to perform the following test procedures:

  • EHPA test regulation
  • ErP-directives (EU) 
  • NF-guidelines (France) 
  • LCP-guidelines (France) 
  • Heat losses according to EnV (Switzerland) 
  • HP Keymark regulation
  • Acoustic power level measurements according to EN 12102 and ISO EN 9614