The International Office will advise you on the offers and support you in the individual implementation of your stay abroad.
Why you should take the opportunity of a stay abroad:
How you can cross borders and discover new things during your studies:
You can realize your stay abroad from the 2nd semester of your studies. You can spend a maximum of two semesters of your studies abroad.
You can find helpful documents on Moodle under the section "Internationales".
The International Office team will be happy to advise and assist you with your international projects. Make an appointment with us or visit the International Office on the 4th floor! You can also reach us by email:
On February 26th 2014, after the acceptance of the federal popular initiative «against mass immigration», the European Commission announced that Switzerland's status in Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ would be downgraded from «Associated» to «Third country».
The Swiss Federal Council decided to develop a temporary solution to finance Switzerland's indirect participation in the EU's programme. The amount granted to incomings students and faculty members will be determined before each academic year and will be paid by the OST. The students will continue to pay their regular home university tuition fees and remain registered there. A tuition fee will thus not have to be payed to OST.
Grants (per month)
Students: CHF 320
Traineeship: CHF 440
We maintain numerous partnerships with universities in German- and English-speaking countries as well as in Southern, Northern and Eastern Europe. The current list of our partner schools can be found below. If your desired destination is not on the list, please contact the International Office to clarify the possibilities.
Ghent University
HOGENT – University of Applied Sciences and Arts School of Social Welfare
University College Copenhagen
VIA University College
Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin
Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin
Hochschule Coburg
Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
Universität Duisburg-Essen
TU Dresden
Hochschule Neubrandenburg
Hochschule Hannover
HAWK Hildesheim
Katholische Stiftungsshochschule München
Great Britain
Plymouth University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Galway-Mayo Institue of Technology
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Università degli Studi di Firenze
University of Luxembourg
Leeuwarden NHL Hogeschool
Fachhochschule Vorarlberg
FH Campus Wien
University of Ljubljana
Universidad de Zaragoza
Universidad de Barcelona
Universidad de Granada
Czech Republic
University of Ostrava
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
In order to be best prepared for your stay abroad, we recommend that you learn the local language first. Information about language courses:
The Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences offers its lecturers and other employees the opportunity to gain experience abroad. There are various ways of doing this, for example a teaching assignment or "job shadowing" at a partner university. The Swiss counterpart to Erasmus, the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP), provides financial support for such stays.
Are you interested? You can find more information on this topic on Moodle (section"Internationales"). You are also welcome to contact us directly:
OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
International Office Social Work
Campus St.Gallen
Rosenbergstrasse 59, 9001 St.Gallen