Study content and structure

In the Management and Law degree program at OST, you will receive a practical business law education in which management topics are not neglected. Graduates with specific knowledge in business law and management are highly sought after in the job market.

«A practical business law education is a good basis for the work of a legal counsel. The combination of economic thinking, legal fundamentals and practical relevance is indispensable, especially in a company where quick pragmatic solutions are required. Compliance, data protection, labour law and contract drafting are the main topics in a company's legal department. This is what the degree program at OST can offer, among other things.»

Dr. Franziska Pertek
Attorney-at-law. Lectur at OST. 

They can choose between the specializations Business Law, Human Resources, IT Governance & Security and Administrative Law and Administrative Procedural Law in their main studies. These specializations were deliberately chosen to counteract existing shortages of specialists. With the additional qualification gained through the chosen specialization, you will significantly increase your chances on the job market. You will have exactly the skills you need, for example, as a data protection specialist, as a paralegal in a commercial law firm or, for example, as a human resources manager in a company.

Study full-time or part-time

The Bachelor's program in Management and Law at OST can be completed flexibly on a full-time or part-time basis.

Study hours are between 8.30 a.m. and 5.40 p.m., depending on the schedule.

Full-time study usually lasts six semesters, or three years. Classes are held during the day from Monday to Wednsday.

Part-time study allows you to pursue employment alongside your studies. In principle, the study program can be completed in four years. Classes are held during two days in the first half of the week. 

The Management and Law program combines a systemic management approach with a broad and solid basic education in business law in a consistently practice-oriented, high-quality course of study.

In the first two semesters, you will complete assessment modules totaling 36 credits. Students who successfully complete the basic studies are admitted to the main studies.

In the main course, you will consolidate the basic knowledge of business administration you have acquired, expand your legal skills and apply what you have learned directly in several practical projects. By choosing your specialization, you set individual priorities for your future professional qualification. Towards the end of your studies, you will work on your Bachelor's thesis according to scientific requirements, which you will conclude with a disputation.

The curriculum is characterized by a pronounced practical orientation, the combination of legal study contents with management know-how and a focus on the megatrends of digitalization and artificial intelligence.

Course panel, full-time

Course Panel, part-time

In the Management and Law program at OST, we create a pleasant climate that is conducive to learning, so that you can develop your professional and personal skills and acquire the tools for a promising career. We encourage critical and networked thinking, train you in writing and communication, and give you opportunities to develop your teamwork skills. You will learn to manage projects and tackle complex challenges at the interface of management and law in a systematic and goal-oriented manner.

The completion of your studies is the writing and "defence of” your Bachelor's thesis in business law. This requires the scientifically sound treatment of a topic, which usually comes from the area of your chosen specialization. The bachelor thesis is to be written as an individual work and is concluded with a disputation.

The successful completion of your studies, including the Bachelor's thesis, entitles you to use the title "Bachelor of Science in Management and Law". The additional qualification you have obtained by attending the chosen specialization is explicitly mentioned in the diploma.

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