
All computer science students at the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST) have to work on a so-called «SE project». This module is not about the product itself, but about project management and working in a team. Nevertheless, four students wanted to develop something that is close to the net and could be useful in the future. Knowing that we had to do a live cycle of our WAN emulator appliance in the network lab, it was agreed with the students that an alternative based on open source components should be developed.

After the project was completed, the «WEmulate» project was further developed at the Institute for Networks and Security and has been in use in class for a year. WEmulate can be installed on hardware or used as a virtual appliance.

With version 2.0, the project is now better anchored in the open source community and the product is already being used worldwide.

WEmulate Modules

The project was developed with a module-based approach in mind. Since we use WEmulate a lot in virtual environments, our goal was to develop a CLI tool. Since we need to use the application with our students in the lab, we decided to also create an API and frontend module that provides an easy-to-understand graphical interface for the students.

The CLI module provides the entire core module of WEmulate. Therefore, it handles all requests from the API module with its Python packages. The module was written with modern and clear frameworks.

WEmulate CLI Application

The frontend module is designed to give students a quick and easy way to set faults on the network. The entire WEmulate stack (CLI, API and Frontend) is used in the two computer networking modules at OST.

Open Source

Since the project is open-source and available on GitHub, feel free to check it out and contribute! You can also always contact one of the contributors for more information about the project.

The following links may be helpful:


Severin Dellsperger

INS Institut für Netzwerke und Sicherheit Network and Research Engineer

+41 58 257 44 76 severin.dellsperger@ost.ch

Urs Baumann

Studiengang BSc Informatik Dozent

+41 58 257 44 84 urs.baumann@ost.ch