Prof. Dr. Franziska Weis

ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingKompetenzzentrum Marketing

+41 58 257 13

Franziska is a Professor of Marketing at the Department of Strategy and Marketing. Her primary focus is in areas related to digital marketing. She teaches empirical research methods. Previously, she was a senior research consultant in market research at a large advertising agency. She holds a Ph.D. in business-to-business marketing from the University of Paderborn.

Area of Expertise

  • Digital Marketing
  • Empirical Research Methods
  • Hybrid Working and Work-Life-Balance


  • Systemic Business Coach (DVBC certified) at hauserconsulting, Augsburg, Germany
  • Ph.D., Business-to-Business Marketing, University of Paderborn, Germany
  • Master of Science in Business Administration, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt

Professional Experience

  • Professor of Marketing, Department of Strategy and Marketing, Competence Center Marketing Management
  • Project Lead qualitative and/or quantitative market research projects with a focus on employee or customer satisfaction and loyalty

Teaching Experience

  • Research Methods & Tools I (Graduate level)
  • Research Methods & Tools II (Graduate level)
  • Advisor for international student consulting projects (JUSP, CPIM), e.g. together with the Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, USA (Undergraduate level)


  • Research project "Automated bridge defect recognition, Project partners: Haute école de gestion Genève, LeanBI, Basler & Hofmann
  • Research project "City Engagement Messenger to increase the attractiveness and revitalization of city centers", Project partners: Renuo AG, Standortförderung Stadt St.Gallen, Pro City St.Gallen, 30 Organizations (retailer, associations) of the City of St.Gallen
  • Research project "Work-Life-Balance at Universities", Project partners: Department Diversity and und Equal Opportunities from the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Department Diversity from the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
  • Research project "leanPredict as an agile solution for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance for intralogistics systems, Project partners: Institute for Lab Automation and Mechatronics from the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Automation and Control Systems (ACS), LeanBI, Westermo Neratec (formerly: Neratec Solutions), Post Logistics
  • Research project "Employer Branding Navigator", Project partners: Bühler, Hilti, KPMG, PostFinance, Universum
  • Research project "Integrated Social Media Navigator", Project partners: Mineralquelle Gontenbad Goba, AMAG, City Garage St.Gallen, Goldbach Interactive
  • Research partners "Accelerating innovation diffusion through a customer-value-based communication concept", Project partners: Plaston


European Marketing Academy

Editorial and Reviewing

Reviewer for the European Marketing Academy Conference

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • HOFER-FISCHER, S., KREMMEL, D., WEIS, F. S. (2022). Messenger Marketing. Grundlagen, Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Erfolgsfaktoren. WiST Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 51 (4), pp. 45-48.
  • KREMMEL, D., HOFER-FISCHER, S., WEIS, F. S. (2022). Online-Marketing systematisch steuern. Controlling & Management Review (früher: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management ZfCM), 66 (3), pp. 54-59.
  • TIETZ, R., KUGLER, P., WEIS, F. S., LUX, W., SCHELER, S. (2022). Das Beste aus zwei Welten. Wie etablierte Unternehmen und Start-ups Märkte erschließen. Der Betriebswirt - Management in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 63 (2), pp. 69-95.
  • WAIBEL, R., WEIS, F. S., METZGER, T., MINDER HOCHREUTENER, S., PFISTER, K. (2020). Evidenz von Dunning-Kruger-Effekten bei Schweizer Hochschulstudierenden. Empirische Pädagogik, 34 (2), pp. 157-178.
  • WEIS, F. S., VON WALTER, B. (2019). Why Practicing Sports Increases Sales Success. 48th EMAC Annual Conference, May 28-31, 2019, Proceedings.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • WEIS, F. S., MEIER-HOBMEIER, B. (2016). Charles Vögele: Durchführung einer strategischen Situationsanalyse (1 ed.). In von Walter, B., Kremmel, D. (Eds.), Employer Brand Management (pp. 97-109). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien . 10.1007/978-3-658-06938-4_4
  • VON WALTER, B., WEIS, F. S., KREMMEL, D. (2016). Strategische Situationsanalyse: Ausgangssituation der Arbeitgebermarke analysieren. In von Walter, B., & Kremmel, D. (Eds.), Employer Brand Management (pp. 71-95). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien .

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • WEIS, F. S. (2022). Work-Life-Balance und hybride Arbeitsgestaltung. Springer Gabler, pp. 103-111. Wiesbaden.
  • LUX, W., KUGLER, P., WEIS, F. S., TIETZ, R. (2020). KMU: Ihr Umgang mit Unsicherheit und Risiken. Organisator (10/2020), pp. 30-31.
  • TIETZ, R., KUGLER, P., WEIS, F. S., LUX, W. (2019). Digitale Projekte Schweizer KMU. personalSCHWEIZ (6), pp. 25-27.
  • WEIS, F. S., KREMMEL, D., VON WALTER, B. (2015). Mit der Conjoint-Analyse zum Produkterfolg. KMU Magazin, 18 (9), pp. 101-105.
  • WEIS, F. S., HOFER-FISCHER, S., KREMMEL, D. (2013). Best Practice integrierter Social-Media-Kommunikation: B-to-B. KMU Magazin (7/8), pp. 48-51.
  • WEIS, F. S., HOFER-FISCHER, S., KREMMEL, D. (2013). Best Practice integrierter Social-Media-Kommunikation: B-to-C. KMU Magazin (9), pp. 44-47.
  • HOFER-FISCHER, S., WEIS, F. S., KREMMEL, D. (2013). Der Weg zur integrierten Social-Media-Kommunikation: Die Analyse. KMU Magazin (4), pp. 62-65.
  • HOFER-FISCHER, S., WEIS, F. S., KREMMEL, D. (2013). Der Weg zur integrierten Social-Media-Kommunikation: Die Planung. KMU Magazin (5), pp. 58-62.
  • HOFER-FISCHER, S., WEIS, F. S., KREMMEL, D. (2013). Der Weg zur integrierten Social-Media-Kommunikation: Umsetzung und Kontrolle. KMU Magazin (6), pp. 50-54.
  • HOFER-FISCHER, S., WEIS, F. S., KREMMEL, D. (2013). Ein neues Modell integrierter Marketingkommunikation. KMU Magazin (1/2), pp. 52-55.
  • VON WALTER, B., KREMMEL, D., WEIS, F. S. (2013). Employer Branding: Wie Unternehmen als Arbeitgeber attraktiv werden. KMU Magazin, 16 (7/8), pp. 18-21.
  • WEIS, F. S., HOFER-FISCHER, S., KREMMEL, D. (2013). Erfolgsfaktoren integrierter Social-Media-Kommunikation. KMU Magazin (3), pp. 52-56.


  • WEIS, F. (2024). AACSB Best Practices from OST School of Management. Vietnamese-German University, Online Meeting, November 5, 2024.