Header Image SPF Kompetenzen Mobiles PV-Labor

SPF Competencies Solar Electricity

Mobile PV-Lab

Location-independent and accurate performance analysis of solar modules, performed with our mobile PV-Lab

With the help of characteristic curve (I/U), electroluminescence, infrared and HighPot measurements, hidden defects are made visible - reliably, quickly and precisely. This allows weak points and risks to be uncovered before modules fail or safety is compromised.

Detailed info about SPF’s mobile PV-Lab

SPF Mobile PV-Lab

Evelyn Bamberger

SPF Institut für Solartechnik Teamleiterin SPF Photovoltaik, Dozentin

+41 58 257 48 29 evelyn.bamberger@ost.ch

Lukas Omlin

SPF Institut für Solartechnik Projektleiter SPF

+41 58 257 41 66 lukas.omlin@ost.ch