Header Image SPF Kompetenzen Eisspeicher

SPF Competencies Energy Storage

Ice Storage and PCM

Ice storages are used as heat source for heat pumps and are suitable for short-term up to seasonal storage of solar heat or waste heat. Ice storages use the fact that water releases much heat when it freezes and absorbs much heat when it melts which allows for compact storage sizes.

SPF develops and analyses ice storage heat exchangers and casings and their optimal system integration. In addition to the modelling and simulation of ice storage components and systems, we realize and monitor field installations and analyse cost drivers that are affecting the heat generation costs of these heating systems.

Sample projects are High-Ice and Ice-Ex as well as the pilot and demonstration projectLattenhofweg. The work on modelling and simulation of solar ice systems was also published in various journals – please find in our Publications.

Dr. Ann-Katrin Thamm

SPF Institut für Solartechnik Projektleiterin SPF

+41 58 257 48 23 ann-katrin.thamm@ost.ch

Louis Desgrosseilliers, PhD

SPF Institut für Solartechnik wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter SPF

+41 58 257 16 78 louis.desgrosseilliers@ost.ch