Research project
Network for Water and Life (NEWAL) - CLOC West Africa 2
In the second phase, the 'Network for Water and Life' (NEWAL) in West Africa consists of education and research partners in four African countries and at least 12 partners from four COFERs in Switzerland (WASH, SAS4SD, EFORD, MOOLs).
Local partners are higher education institutions and knowledge partners for education and research purposes. The partners are core members of a variety of national and international networks in the water and education sectors and active in research, development, humanitarian aid and human rights. COFERs with existing links to research and education in the same region are working on complementary topics in which water plays a central role as well as on e-learning tools for education, action-based learning approaches, remote laboratories, and conflict prevention. The CLOC can thus provide thematic connections between the areas of health, natural resources and ecosystem management, and peacebuilding.
The output of phase 1 are presented on the NEWAL website.
Duration: 01.05.2021 - 31.12.2024
- ETH Zurich, Institute of Environmental Engineering
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
- EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, School of Engineering
- Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL)
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
Prof. Dr. Michael Burkhardt
UMTEC Institut für Umwelt- und VerfahrenstechnikProfessor, Institutsleiter UMTEC
+41 58 257 48
Dr. Dorothee Spuhler
UMTEC Institut für Umwelt- und VerfahrenstechnikProjektleiterin, Dozierende globale Zusammenarbeit, Wasser & Abwasser
+41 58 257 17