Vier Studierende des Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik im Campusgebäude

Why Business Information Technology?

Business Information Technology is still a young discipline within the field of applied computer science. As a specialist in business information technology, you represent an interdisciplinary science that combines, above all, the two disciplines of computer science and business administration. Thus, you take on the role of designer and bridge builder.

Specialists in business information technology, for example, analyze the information system requirements of specialist departments, process this information and ensure technical implementation. They need good communication skills for their work as they often work in advisory and mediating roles.

"The promising career prospects and the fact that nothing works without computer science in the age of digitalization were the most important reasons why I chose this study program."

Anina Angehrn, Business Information Technology graduate

“The rapid pace of digitalization makes it increasingly important for a company to attract well-trained employees who can combine IT and the business ideal. The Bachelor's in Business Information Technology at OST is a degree program that is of great benefit to companies.”

Guido Frei, HR Head ABACUS Research AG

“Business Information Technology is the right choice for me because this program allows me to pursue my interest in computer science and the career prospects are very promising.”

Nadja Büchel, Business Information Technology graduate

“At Raiffeisen specialists in business information technology work at the important interfaces between core systems and specialist departments and projects. Their broad interdisciplinary knowledge enables them to drive forward the digitalization of Raiffeisen.”

Ueli Eugster, HR Business Partner Raiffeisen Switzerland

AABSC-Logo (Akkreditierung) für OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule