Research project
Holistic risk management for inpatient care facilities
A well-known megatrend is the demographic development in society. People are getting older. However, this is also accompanied by an increasing demand for support in old age. Outpatient and inpatient care services will become even more important than they already are. Currently, care costs in Germany amount to around 40 billion euros (2013), in Switzerland to 9.7 billion Swiss francs (2015) and in Austria to 3.9 billion euros (2018) (curaviva 2017, Federal Statistical Office). For care facilities, this means that they will become more important, but also that the requirements will increase. This relates to both economic and medical-care aspects. In addition to rising demands for quality and services on the part of residents, safety requirements and the relevance of preventive measures are also increasing. For example, infection prevention gained a whole new explosiveness in the context of the COVID pandemic, but also classic measures, such as fall prophylaxis, continue to pose challenges to care facilities in the course of risk identification. The shortage of skilled workers in the nursing professions is adding to the pressure on care facilities.
The aim of the research project is to create a compendium or standard guideline for holistic risk management of inpatient care facilities. It is to include all the above-mentioned aspects of risk management:
- Risk identification: Empirically based catalogs of possible individual risks in the areas of finance, service provision (incl. risks in connection with nursing and medical actions or omissions), organization, and external risks.
- Risk analysis and evaluation: Evaluation and prioritization of risks, primarily on the basis of the extent of damage and probability of occurrence.
- Risk management: The four generic coping strategies with regard to risks are avoidance, mitigation, rollover and acceptance. Behind each of these strategies is a wide range of possible measures
- Risk communication: In this area, there are various information and communication channels for communicating with all stakeholders in a risk-adequate manner.
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.10.2023
Funk Stiftung
Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Lux
IFL Institut für Finance und LawLeiter Kompetenzzentrum Accounting und Corporate Finance
+41 58 257 13