Prof. Dr. Oliver Christ
IOL Institut für Organisation und LeadershipProfessor für Organisation / stv. Institutsleiter
+41 58 257 17
Oliver Christ is a Professor for Organisation at the Institute for Organisation and Leadership. Teaching, research, consulting and talks in the field of Organisational development, business devlopment and systemic management in the digital age. About 25 years experience in digital business management, innovation management and technology driven transformation.
Area of Expertise
- Value-added industry, regional and organizational development
- Digital transformation of organizations, processes and networks
- Critical analysis and design of new organizational and management approaches
- Further education in the field of people analytics, organizational network analysis, organizational development of AIHR
- Doctorate in the field of business information systems at the University of St.Gallen
- Studies of Philosophy and Literature at the Distance University of Hagen
- Studies of business administration (focus on accounting and computer science) at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Professional Experience
- Professor of Organisation, Institute of Organisation and Leadership (IOL), Head of Competence Center "Organisation"
- Head of Competence Center “Business Intelligence”, Lecturer and Senior Researcher with School of Management and Law
- Head of SAP Research, SAP (Switzerland) AG
- Assistant to the CEO of SAP AG
- Project Manager at the Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Lab (M-Lab) - A joint project of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston (MIT), University of St. Gallen, and several international industry partners
Teaching Experience
- Organisation und Prozessmanagement
- Mensch in der Organisation
- Organisational Behaviour
- Change Management
- Business Process Engineering
- Quality Management
- Coach for Industry Projects
- Coach for Scientific Writing
- Research Project "Circular Economy Lab"
- Research Project "People Analytics"
- Research Project "Digitization of the agriculture and food industry" (DigiLand)
- Research Project "Burnout prevention in the agricultural sector"
- Research Project "Increased appreciation of regional food identity through consumer-friendly and transparent information" (RegIdent)
Editorial and Reviewing
Reviewer Open Education Platform
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- GIERMINDL, L. M., REDZEPI, A., CHRIST, O., OLBERT-BOCK, S. (2019). Creating Value with Predictive HR Analytics. International Conference on Information Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems.
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., SCHERER, L., BLOHM, I. (2017). Potentiale und Hindernisse von Crowdsourcing für Unternehmensentwicklung und Geschäftsmodellinnovation – Ein methodischer Ansatz zur Transformation von Organisationen. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 54 (5), pp. 741-756. 10.1365/s40702-017-0341-2
- CHRIST, O., EBERT, N. (2016). Predictive Analytics im Human Capital Management: Status Quo und Potentiale. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 53 (3), pp. 298-309. 10.1365/s40702-015-0193-6
- CHRIST, O. (2015). Martin Heidegger‘s Notions of World and Technology in the Internet of Things age. Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 3 (2), pp. 58-64.
- CHRIST, O. (2015). The Concept of Alienation in Early Works of Karl Marx. European Scientific Journal, 11 (7), pp. 551-563.
Books and Research Monographs
- KRAFT, M., CHRIST, O., SCHERER, L. (2022). Management der Kreislaufwirtschaft - Positionierung und Gestaltung zirkulärer Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien .
Chapters in Edited Books
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., SCHERER, L., BLOHM, I. (2019). Systematische Unternehmensentwicklung und Geschäftsmodellinnovation durch die Integration kollektiver Intelligenz (1 ed.). In Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Christoph Lattemann (Eds.), Digital Customer Experience (pp. 255-269). Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg. 10.1007/978-3-658-22542-1_18
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., SCHERER, L. (2018). Improving Business Development Through Crowdsourcing Supported Consulting—A Methodical Approach (1 ed.). In Volker Nissen (Ed.), Digital Transformation of the Consulting Industry (pp. 277-298). Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 10.1007/978-3-319-70491-3_11
- CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M., KRESSIG, C., SCHERER, L. (2017). Satisfaction Benchmark for Smart Cities (1 ed.). In Anna Brdulak, Halina Brdulak (Eds.), Happy City - How to Plan and Create the Best Livable Area for the People (pp. 71-102). Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 10.1007/978-3-319-49899-7_5
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- PAULUS, S., CHRIST, O., POHL, A. (2022). BURN-OUT-PRÄVENTION IN LANDWIRTSCHAFT UND GEMÜSEBAU. Gemüse - Magazin für den professionellen Gemüsebau.
- PAULUS, S., CHRIST, O., POHL, A. (2021). Burnout-Prävention in der Landwirtschaft - Aktuelle Arbeitsbeanspruchungen und Verbesserungswünsche bei Präventionsangeboten.. Betriebliche Prävention, 2021 (11).
- CHRIST, O., MEIER-NÖTH, A. (2021). Regionale Lebensmittel zielgenau im Handel platzieren. Gemüse - Magazin für den professionellen Gemüsebau.
- SCHERER, L., CHRIST, O., CZARNIECKI, M. (2019). Agile Hochschulbildung für eine Agile Arbeitswelt. Springer Vieweg, pp. 277-293. Wiesbaden.
- CHRIST, O., LEIKERT-BOEHM, N., MÜLLER, F. (2016). Daten für die Strategie. Personalwirtschaft, 2016 (7), pp. 60-63.
- CHRIST, O., EBERT, N. (2015). Predictive Analytics im Human Capital Management. Wie datengetriebene Unternehmen Personaldaten nutzen. IM + io: das Magazin fur Innovation, Organisation und Management, 2015 (4), pp. 62 - 67.
- CHRIST, O. (2019). Digitalisierung der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Bodenseerat.
- CHRIST, O., GIERMINDL, L. M., REDZEPI, A. (2019). HR Analytics. 2. St.Galler New Work Forum Digital Human Work - eine Utopie.
- CHRIST, O. (2018). Digitalisierung der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten im Obst- und Gemüsebau. Agroscope: wissenschaftliche Tagung «Digitale Zukunft der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft».
- CHRIST, O. (2014). IT Sourcing Forum Luzern.