
HEROES: Betreuung und Pflege finden per App – geht das?

Simone Eicher, 2024 Simone Eicher, 2024 Simone Eicher, 2024
Pflegerecht Heft Nr. 1/2024
City / Publisher:
Stämpfli Verlag AG, Bern
p. 34

Fighting the Increasing Shortage of Qualified Personnel in the Formal and Informal Care Sector with the HEROES App: Co-creation and Design with Older Adults

Simone Eicher, Cornelia Ursprung, 2024 Simone Eicher, Cornelia Ursprung, 2024 Simone Eicher, Cornelia Ursprung, 2024
Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S., Salvendy, G. (eds) HCI International 2023 – Late Breaking Posters. HCII 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1957
City / Publisher:
Cham, Springer
pp. 365 – 373

"I Simply Accept the Terms and Conditions so that I Can Use an App at All”: Smartphone Use and Privacy Among Older Adults in Switzerland

Sarah Speck, Cora Pauli, Cornelia Ursprung, Miriam Wallimann, Robert Huber, Sabina Misoch, 2023 Sarah Speck, Cora Pauli, Cornelia Ursprung, Miriam Wallimann, Robert Huber, Sabina Misoch, 2023 Sarah Speck, Cora Pauli, Cornelia Ursprung, Miriam Wallimann, Robert Huber, Sabina Misoch, 2023
HCI International 2023 – Late Breaking Papers
pp. 191 - 202

An Attempt to Counter Agism in Gerontechnology Through the Engagement of Older Adults in the Development of Wisdom of Age

Katja Antonia Rießenberger, Sabina Misoch, Samira-Salomé Hüsler, Damian Hedinger, Leen Stulens, Bogdan Gherman, Sanne Broeder, 2023 Katja Antonia Rießenberger, Sabina Misoch, Samira-Salomé Hüsler, Damian Hedinger, Leen Stulens, Bogdan Gherman, Sanne Broeder, 2023 Katja Antonia Rießenberger, Sabina Misoch, Samira-Salomé Hüsler, Damian Hedinger, Leen Stulens, Bogdan Gherman, Sanne Broeder, 2023 …
Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
City / Publisher:
Springer Nature Switzerland
pp. 123 - 137

WoA - Wisdom of Age: Collaborative Learning using Human-Computer Interaction.

Adrian Pîslă; Samira Hüsler; Mihai Ciupe; Frank Andreas Schittenhelm; Süleyman Torasan; Leen Stulens, 2023 Adrian Pîslă; Samira Hüsler; Mihai Ciupe; Frank Andreas Schittenhelm; Süleyman Torasan; Leen Stulens, 2023 Adrian Pîslă; Samira Hüsler; Mihai Ciupe; Frank Andreas Schittenhelm; Süleyman Torasan; Leen Stulens, 2023
City / Publisher:
2023 5th International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA)

Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland: Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences

Sarah Speck, Lilo Ruther, Sabina Misoch, 2023 Sarah Speck, Lilo Ruther, Sabina Misoch, 2023 Sarah Speck, Lilo Ruther, Sabina Misoch, 2023
Tagungsband / Proceedings of the ICT4AWE 2023
pp. 48 - 58