Research project

CHub at UMU

In this partnership, teaching content is developed and delivered together with our partner university “United Methodist University of Liberia” (UMU). The created capacity is applied in water and sanitation projects of our local partner NGOs.

The aim is to strengthen educational capacities in the areas of water, energy, health and construction in the long term and to enable students and lecturers at OST to practically engage in development cooperation in Liberia. Partner institutes at the OST are the SPF Institute for Solar Technology the IBU Institut für Bau und Umwelt and the IPW Institute of Applied Nursing Science.
Students and lecturer from Liberia and Switzerland jointly develop knowledge around a specific topic and engage in practical implementations in projects of partner NGOs in Liberia. This is achieved through faculty exchange, seasonal schools, and tandem students’ projects. In parallel a Swiss Knowledge Hub, the Chub@UMU is developed at the university in Monrovia


Duration: 15.11.2023 - 31.12.2026


OST, private foundations
