Prof. Dr. Nicole Bischof

IOL Institut für Organisation und LeadershipProfessorin für Organisation und Leadership

+41 58 257 14

Professor for Organization and Leadership at IOL, Department of Business and Management, OST

Area of Expertise

Organizational Design, Communication, Teaming, Coaching, Group Dynamics


2014-2015 Johannes-Kepeler-University, Linz, Austria
Post-doctoral researcher
SNF-funded research project on Organizational Change and Learning in Teams, leading Researcher
2013-2013 Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
Post-doctoral researcher
Knowledge management in entrepreneurial setting
2010 – 2013 University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Doctor of Philosophy in Mangement, Ph.D.
• Topic of Dissertation „Knowledge Communication among Science and Practice Empirical studies from two perspectives“, full SNF-Funding for 3 years
• PhD programme in Strategy & Management
2012 University of Essex, UK
Summer School on empirical research methods
2010-2012 University of Lugano, Switzerland
various PhD-Courses on e.g. qualitative methods, communication & organizational culture
1995 – 2002 University of Cologne, Germany
B.A., MSc in Geography
Studies in Geography, Geology, Soil Sciences and Anthropology
1999 University of Gothenburg, School of Economics and Commercial Law, Sweden
Erasmus exchange student
Studies in environmental Economics, Geography of Europe and Marketing

Professional Experience

since 06/2018 Eastern Switzerlands University of Applied Sciences, St. Gallen
Professor for Organization and Leadership
· Research and Consulting on career development; female careers in Boards
· Research on Self-managing organizations, organizational development
· Research on Leadership learning, Teams and collaboration
· Teaching in Management, Health and Business Engineering
· Coaching of Practice Projects in Management Consulting, e.g. Joint-US-Swiss-Project
· Supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses from University and Applied University Graduates
Since 2017 University of St. Gallen
External Lecturer for interdisziplinary Studies (Lehrbeauftragte)
2017-2018 Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Applied Psychology (IAP)
Lecturer & Consultant (Dozentin)
· Organizational Development, Coaching & Change management
· Self-Leadership in new work & Self-managing organizations
· Appreciative Leadership
2015-2017 University of St. Gallen, Career & Corporate Services
Career Counsellor and Trainer
· Carreer coaching for bachelor, master and PhD students
· Executive coaching for HSG Alumi and EMBA students
· Self-Leadership and academic career coaching
· conception and lead of workshops on career topics and career development
since 2009 Nicole Bischof, Entwicklung. Individuell., Davos, Switzerland
Founder, CEO, Business Coach and Consultant
· career coaching for executives, communication management
· strategy development for individuals and organizational teams
· academic coaching
· female change, women back to business
· clients from Insurance, Public Management and Telecommunication sectors
2009-2013 University of St. Gallen, Institute for Media and Communications Management, St. Gallen
Reserach Scientist
· Senior Project Head “Clarity in Corporate Communication”
· Project cooperations on organizational development and corporate communication
2002-2008 Swiss Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, SLF Davos, Switzerland
Risk Manager and Assistant to CEO
· Risk Management of Natural Hazards, scientific and consulting function
· consulting projects a.o. for the Swiss Fed. Office for the Environment, Ernst Basler and Partners, SwissRe, various cantonal offices
· EU-program IRASMOS, project co-coordinator, author and publisher
· Head of Project Management and Scientific Controlling

Teaching Experience

2021 Skills: Agile work environment, master course, University of St. Gallen
since 2020 Self-steering and womens careers, interdisciplinary Studies, St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences
2019 Teaming – Skills for professional behavior and organizational change, master course,
University of St. Gallen
SINCE 2018 Communicating in Teams, bachelor course, St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences
SINCE 2018 Project management in health, bachelor course, St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences
2018, 2019 Self-Leadership and Life Design in the new work 4.0, MA, University of St. Gallen
2017 Self-marketing & career planning, master course, University of St. Gallen
2016 Assessor for IBH Women‘s Business Management Contest and for University of St. Gallen‘s
Flagship Master Programmes (SIM and MBF) Career Power Days
2010-2017 University of St. Gallen: career coaching, self-competence training, training in communication
skills and career planning
2012 University of St. Gallen: guest lecture in master’s course on business communication
2011 Inhouse trainings on clear corporate communication at AXA and Swisscom
2011 University of St. Gallen, corporate communication at the Intensive Seminar on
Communication and Management IfM-HSG
2010 University of St. Gallen: risk visualization at bachelor and master level
2010-2012 Ludwigs-Maximilians-University Munich: career coaching for master students


2020 Funding from International Bodensee Universities for a project on mentoring of women for positions in boards
2020 Funding from Innosuisse for the project on 'Selfmanaging teams'
2019 Funding from Swiss Office for Equality and Gender for a research project on Career Development for Women 45+
2018 Funding from Swiss Study and Professional Advisory for a development project on Self-Leadership Competences
2015 Early Mobility Postdoc Scholarship from Swiss National Research Foundation
2010-2013 Full Dissertation Scholarship from Swiss National Research Foundation


EGOS European Group for Organization Studies
HSG Alumni


2022 Key-Note-Speaker an der Ostschweizer Berufsausstellung OBA
2021 Key-Note-Speaker an der FAN-Tagung für Naturgefahren zu Entscheidungsfindung
2011 Keynote Speaker am Seminar für Kommunikation und Management, Universität St. Gallen, Switzerland
2011 Beste Evaluation als Dozentin für Karriereentwicklung, HSG-women, Universität St. Gallen
2009 Bester Abschluss in Business Coaching, Weber Kommunikationsmanagement, Konstanz

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N., OBERHOLZER, B., OLBERT-BOCK, S. (2023). Mehr Frauen in Boards dank Netzwerkkompetenz - Studie zu Netzwerktypen und Möglichkeiten des Netzwerkcoachings.. zfo - Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 92 (5), pp. 281-287.
  • BISCHOF, N., SCHERER, L. (2022). Agile or not agile, das ist hier die Frage - Umgang mit Ambivalenz im Projektmanagement. zfo - Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 91 (3), pp. 172-176.
  • BISCHOF, N., OLBERT-BOCK, S., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R. (2022). Frauen in Top-Level-Positionen von Schweizer Unternehmen – eine Analyse des Besetzungsprozesses für Verwaltungsratsmandate. zfo - Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 91 (2), pp. 90-97.
  • BISCHOF, N., OLBERT-BOCK, S., REDZEPI, A. (2021). Career Development für Frauen 45+. Austrian Management Review, 11, pp. 124-131.
  • SCHELL, S., BISCHOF, N. (2021). Change the way of working. Ways into self-organization with the use of Holacracy: an empirical investigation. European Management Review (EMR), 19 (1), pp. 123-137.
  • SCHELL, S., BISCHOF, N. (2019). Holacracy as a solution for the VUCA World? Learnings from a radically self-organized organization system. 79. Academy of Management, August 9-13, 2019. Boston, USA:
  • SCHELL, S., BISCHOF, N. (2019). Holacracy as a solution for the VUCA World? Learnings from a radically self-organized organization system. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), "Exploring the Future of Management" (26-28 June 2019). (Best Paper Award). Lisboa, Portugal:
  • SCHELL, S., BISCHOF, N. (2019). Radically Self-Organized - Learnings from Transformation Towards Holacracy. Academy of Management. Boston, USA: Academy of Management Proceedings.
  • BISCHOF, N., OLBERT-BOCK, S., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2019). Slow and steady wins the race? – Organizational Career Advancement for Women 45+. 35th EGOS Colloquium, July 4–6, 2019. Edinburgh, United Kingdom:
  • BISCHOF, N., MÜLLER, B., GÜTTEL, W. (2015). DAVID and GOLIATH – The role of small groups for fuelling organizational change. Organizational Learning and Knowledge Capabilities Conference.
  • BISCHOF, N., MÜLLER, B. (2015). David und Goliath - Besitzen kleine Gruppen die Kraft, Organisationen zu verändern? Austrian Management Review, 5.
  • COMI, A., BISCHOF, N., EPPLER, M. (2013). Beyond projection: using visualization in conducting interviews.. Qualitative Research in Organization and Management.
  • BISCHOF, N. (2013). Wandel müheloser verankern durch Antizipation möglicher Reaktionen.. Zeitschrift für OrganisationsEntwicklung.
  • BISCHOF, N., EPPLER, M., KIENHOLZ, H. (2012). Akteurskonstellation und Wissenskommunikation im Naturgefahrenmanagement der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 163 (7), pp. 262-270. 10.3188/szf.2012.0262

Books and Research Monographs

  • BISCHOF, N., KÜNZLI, R. (2024). New Leadership in neuen Organisationsdesigns. Schäffer Poeschel.
  • OLBERT-BOCK, S., HELFMANN, K., OBERHOLZER, B., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N. (2023). Frauen in Verwaltungsräten und Geschäftsleitungen mittelgrosser Unternehmen (1 ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
  • BISCHOF, N., OLBERT-BOCK, S., REDZEPI, A. (2022). Frauenkarrieren. Gezielte Gestaltung aus Unternehmens- und persönlicher Sicht (1 ed.). Schäffer Poeschel.
  • BISCHOF, N. (2014). Knowledge communication among science and practice. Empirical studies from two perspectives.. SVH - Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • BISCHOF, N. (2023). Gezielte Einfussnahme zur Förderung von Frauen. Diversity in Verwaltungsrat und Geschäftsleitung mittelgroßer Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien .
  • BISCHOF, N. (2019). Self-Leadership in selbstorganisierten Systemen am Beispiel Holacracy. In Christoph Negri (Ed.), Führen in der Arbeitswelt 4.0 (pp. 63-72). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien .

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • BISCHOF, N., MEYERHOFER-FAHLBUSCH, U. (2022). Bloss nicht bevormunden! Changement, 22 (7), pp. 66-70.
  • HELFMANN, K., OLBERT-BOCK, S., OBERHOLZER, B., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N. (2022). Kein Grund für eine Pause. LEADER Das Unternehmermagazin. St. Gallen.
  • OLBERT-BOCK, S., BISCHOF, N., HELFMANN, K., OBERHOLZER, BERNHARD, B., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R. (2022). Mehr Diversität im Verwaltungsrat und der Geschäftsleitung mittelgrosser Unternehmen. Unternehmerzeitung, 3, pp. 22-23.
  • OBERHOLZER, BERNHARD, B., OLBERT-BOCK, S., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N. (2022). Mehr Diversität im Verwaltungsrat und in der Geschäftsleitung mittelgrosser Unternehmen. HR Developer, 6, pp. 6-8.
  • BISCHOF, N. (2022). Risiken und Erfolgsfaktoren auf dem Weg zur Selbstorganisation. KMU Magazin.
  • BEGANOVIC, N., OLBERT-BOCK, S., REDZEPI, A., BISCHOF, N. (2021). Umfrage zur Arbeitsmarktsituation bei Frauen 40+. Women's Careers & Chancengleichheit.. personalSCHWEIZ, 9 (2021), pp. 36-38.
  • BISCHOF, N., REDZEPI, A., OLBERT-BOCK, S. (2021, March). Weibliche Karrieren. Organisator, 21 (03), pp. 48-49.
  • BEGANOVIC, N., OLBERT-BOCK, S., REDZEPI, A., BISCHOF, N. (2021, November). Women’s Careers & Chancengleichheit – (k)ein Thema in Zeiten von New Work? WEKA Business Media AG. Zürich.
  • BISCHOF, N. (2017). Wie werde ich glücklich im Beruf? - Visualisierungstechniken im Karrierecoaching.. Praxis Kommunikation (02).

Teaching-Related Publications

  • BISCHOF, N., DREHER , D., GIERMINDL, L. M. (2024). Geführte Selbstorganisation – Leadership Aspekt. Open Education Platform for Management Schools. doi: 10.25938/oepms.399
  • BISCHOF, N., KOLLER, L. (2022). Geführte Selbstorganisation. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 352.


  • OLBERT-BOCK, S., HELFMANN, K., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N. (2022). Mehr Frauen ins Netz. Wie mittelgrosse Unternehmen Frauen für ihr Top Management gewinnen.. OST.
  • BISCHOF, N., SCHELL, S. (2018). Who am I and if so, how many? On roles, circles and meetings in holocratic organization systems. 34th EGOS Colloquium, July 3-7, 2018, Tallinn.