Study Content
Are you considering a Master's degree in Computer Science? Here you can find out what content we teach you and which majors you can choose.
The Six Specializations
On the master’s degree program in Computer Science, you will acquire knowledge of the following five key areas of computing and enhance your skills in one chosen specialization.
- Software Engineering and Technology
- Advanced User Interfaces
- Programming Languages
- Software-Defined Networking
- Communication Systems
Tailor Your Studies to Your Interests
Your studies consist of theory and context modules in your chosen profile of Business Engineering. Your specialization makes up two thirds of your degree program. You will develop professional knowledge via project work, additional classes and the Master’s thesis. You can choose an individual area of focus to suit your interests. When selecting your project work, you can demonstrate broad skills or choose to specialize in a specific area.
Additional Classes
Module descriptions of the additional classes (some of these descriptions are only available in German at present):
- Advanced Software Architecture (pdf)
- Cyber Security (pdf)
- Datenbanksysteme (pdf)
- Design Science & Empirical Software Engineering (pdf)
- Machine Learning Operations (pdf)
- GIS Location Intelligence (pdf)
- Programming Languages (pdf)
- Segment Routing (pdf)
- User Interface Technologien (pdf)
All additional classes that can currently be taken can be seen in Moodle (Switch eduID Account needed).