Studying Technical Sciences

Engineers are in demand. Human labour is being replaced by modern, sophisticated machines and equipment in nearly all areas of life. Thanks to the excellent research at Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and its direct integration into the course, you will become familiar with the latest technologies and trends and can start applying your knowledge to real world situations immediately after completing your studies.

IETF117 in San Francisco


The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the leading organisation for the development of Internet standards and protocols. Three times a year, its participants gather to pursue the IETF purpose of "making the Internet work better". At this year's summer conference, IETF117 in San Francisco, a team from OST was also represented. During the conference, the OST research project "Path Tracing" by Prof. Laurent Metzger, Julian Klaiber and Severin Dellsperger was further advanced, in which important functions of the open-source library VPP were extended. VPP (Vector Packet Processing) is an open-source software platform for the Data Plane, which was developed to accelerate and optimise network functions in high-speed networks (source - ).