Biofuels & Synfuels

Climate neutrality by 2050 and the expansion of renewable energies are part of the transformation of the Swiss energy system. Biogenic energy sources will have to make a significant contribution to defossilising the energy system and represent a key component in the use of renewables and CO2-neutral fuels.

The focus of the «Biofuels & Synfuels» team is on the development of highly efficient processes for the conversion of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 or CH4, and biogenic sources into synthetic fuels. Although Switzerland is regarded as Europe's «water reservoir» and hydropower accounts for a significant proportion of the electricity mix, the potential of biogenic waste materials is only being utilised to a limited extent.  The «Biofuels & Synfuels» R&D team is focused on effective integration and efficient implementation of biogenic resources in the Swiss energy system and the further reduction of fossil carbon intensity. In line with the motto «From Lab to Industry», we support our industrial and research partners along the entire value chain: from concept ideas, through the development of innovative catalysts and sustainable processes, to the production of CO2-neutral fuels and energy sources.

Our core competences include the catalytic upgrade of biogases to biomethanol without additional H2 by means of highly efficient sorption technology, as well as the development of «smart materials» that increase the performance of various catalytic processes in synfuel production.