
Shaping Social Relationships Digitally: WhatsApp’s Influence on Social Relationships of Older Adults

Ageing societies and digitalisation are prominent topics in industrialised nations. Although research suggests that technology use could positively influence the social contexts of older adults, there is not enough empirical evidence on this topic.

In order to bridge this research gap, we conducted a qualitative study on the WhatsApp use of older adults in Switzerland. A qualitative study with 30 older adults (65+) in Switzerland should shed light on motivational aspects of usage and the effects of the instant messaging App on their subjectively perceived quality of social relationships. Data collection was based on two methodological elements: the creation of ego-centered network maps and the implementation of qualitative, semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Data was analysed by qualitative content analysis. Our research shows that adults are willing to participate in digitalisation and accept new technologies if they benefit from them. Upholding and intensifying social relationships, increasing a sense of belonging to groups and the practical aspect of WhatsApp were essential categories we derived from our data. We conclude that older adults’ use of WhatsApp is in line with prominent life-span theories and models (socioemotional selectivity theory, SOC) and that WhatsApp has a positive effect on the social relations of older users. WhatsApp is used consciously to achieve positive ends, allowing older users to select and invest time in meaningful relationships.

Veronika Hämmerle, Rhea Braunwalder, Sabina Misoch, 2020
Tagungsband: 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020
City / Publisher:
pp. 42 - 49