
Prof. Dr. Katrin Lohan

EMS Institut für Entwicklung Mechatronischer SystemeInstitutsleiterin, Prof. Robotik, Profilleiterin Mechatronics and Automation

+41 58 257 33 87katrin.lohan@ost.ch


  • Robotik

Curriculum Vitae

2021-nowVisiting Prof. in Computer Sciences and Robotics at Heriot-Watt University
2018-2021Associate Prof. in Computer Sciences and Robotics at Heriot-Watt University
2018 -2019Director of joint education program between Heriot-Watt University, UK and Ocean University, China for the BEng in Robotics
2018 -2019Director of Social Robotics Group at Heriot-Watt University  
2017-2019Director of MSc in HRI program at Heriot-Watt University
2017-2019Gateway-event organizer for the Edinburgh Center for Robotics
2016-2019SICSA Theme leader for Cyber Physical Systems. 
2013-2018Assistant Prof. in Computer Sciences and Robotics at Heriot-Watt University
2012-2013PostDoc, Experienced Researcher in the “RobotDoc”, Marie Curie Project at the Italian Institute of Technology.
Topic: Motoric and contextual information in determining attention behaviors.
2008-2012Wissenschaftlicher Mittarbeiter/Research assistantat CoR-Lab and Applied Informatics Group, Bielefeld University, within the ITALK EU-Project.
Topic: Experiments on parent-child interaction on object knowledge demonstration and development of tutoring spotter.
2006-2008Studentische Hilfskraft/Student assistant in the Applied Informatics Group and the Computer Graphics Group at Bielefeld University
2016Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
2013-2016PG-Cert of Postgraduate Teaching
2008-2012Dr. Ing. (Ph.D)  Topic:A model of contingency detection to spot tutoring behavior and respond to ostensive cues in human-robot-interaction, Bielefeld: Universitätsbibliothek.
Doctoral program in Intelligent Systems at the Graduate School of the Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics.
2002-2008Diplom Informatiker (MSc in computer science) Topic: Extraction of vortex core-lines in flow field data, Modules examined: neuro informatics, applied informatics, databases, computer vision and computer graphics. Diplom Studiengang Naturwissenschaftliche Universität Bielefeld



  • Dozent für Systemtechnik BSc
Verfasser/inTitelJahrArt der Arbeit
Elias Diethelm Transmitter-Empfänger Systeme für die passive Lokalisierung 2021Bachelorarbeit