Prof. Dr. Markus Michler

IMP Institut für Mikrotechnik und PhotonikProfessor für Physik und Photonik Leiter Kompetenzbereich integrierte Optik, Profilleiter Photonics

+41 58 257 34

Beruflicher Abschluss

  • Dr. rer. nat., Universität Wien

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Markus Michler studied physics at the University of Innsbruck. He received his PhD from the University of Vienna in 2001 in the field of quantum information in the group of Prof. A. Zeilinger. Since 2006, Dr. Markus Michler works as a lecturer in Physics and Photonics at the OST on the campus of Buchs. He is head of the competence field Photonics and is coordinating the photonics activities of the Institute for Micro- and Nanotechnology. His main interests are optical coating technology, optical packaging as well as fiber and integrated optics. He also coordinated and managed several industrial projects in recent years and is responsible for the “Applied Photonics” module within the Swiss MSE Master’s program. Together with his team he developed a new Curriculum in photonics within the degree course “systems engineering”, which he has also been responsible for since 2015. Dr. Michler is author and co-author of several technical publications, is involved in numerous patents and has received several national and international awards.


  • Physics / Quantum Optics
  • Microtechnology/ Photolithography
  • Photonics
  • Fiber Optic / Integrated Optic / Microoptic
  • Thin Film Optic & Characterization of optical thin films
  • Industrial Projects / Project proposals

Wissenschaftliche Auszeichnungen, Preise

  • Promotion Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis Rei Publicae Austriae mit Verleihung des goldenen Ehrenringes, März 2002; Würdigungspreis 2001 des Österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur: Beste Studienleistungen des Studienjahres 2000/01; Swiss Technology Award 2007 ”Die elektro-optische Leiterplatte OECB”; Swiss Technology Award 2001 ”Wiederbeschreibbare DVD”

Fachliche Schwerpunkte

  • Physik-Grundlagen, Photonik / Optik, Halbleiter- und Festkörperphysik, Quantenoptik


  • Faseroptik, integrierte Optik, optische Mikrosysteme, Mikrotechnik


  • • M. Esposito, D. Bischof, M. Michler; Protective Cartrige and method with a protective cartrige, Optrel-Patent, US2019187501 (A1); erteilt: 2019-06-20 • F. Betschon, D. Bischof, M. Halter, J. Kremmel, T. Lamprecht, M. Michler; Test apparatus for electro-optical printed circuit boards, vario-optics Patent, CH708886 (A2); erteilt: 2015-05-29 • F. Kehl, M. Keka, M. Michler, R. Stanley; Integrated optical waveguide sensor system; Optics Balzers Patent, TW201508249 (A); erteilt: 2015-03-01 • M. Michler, D. Bischof, A. Bernard, A. Heldstab, R. Oberholzer, K. Dietrich; Method and Apparatus for Analysis of Samples containing Small Particles, Nanotion Patent, WO2013091118 (A1); erteilt: 2013-06-27 • K. Dietrich, M. Halter, M. Michler, S. Paredes, A. Walser; Optical coupler, Varioprint Patent, US20060405274; erteilt 2006-11-09 (also published as: US7349601 (B2); EP1715368 (A1); EP1715368 (B1); AT391936 (T)) • Hess, P., Greber, A. Michler, M., Onda, N.; Method and Device for Determining the Vectorial Distance between the Capillary and the Image Recognition System of a Wire Bonder; ESEC Patent, US2003178469 (A1); erteilt: 2003-09-25 (also published as: DE10313141 (A1); US6857554 (B2)) • Hess, P., Greber, A. Michler, M., Onda, N.; Method and Device for Measuring the Amplitude of a freely Oscillating Capillary of a Wire Bonder; ESEC-Patent, US2003159514 (A1); erteilt: 2003-08-28 (also published as: US6691574 (B2); DE10309694 (A1))


  • David Bischof, Michael Kahl, Markus Michler (2021) Laser-assisted etching of borosilicate glass in potassium hydroxide, OPTICA Publishing Group, in: Optical Materials Express Nr. Vol. 11, Issue 4, S. pp. 1185-1195. 10.1364/OME.417871PDF
Verfasser/inTitelJahrArt der Arbeit
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Lucas Rechsteiner
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Tina Andrea Balsiger,
Thomas Robert Cornelius,
Samet Özdemir
Miniaturisierter SpO[sub]2[/sub] Sensor zur Integration in Textilien 2021Bachelorarbeit
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Andrin Büsser,
Tina Strüning
FLIM - Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging für die Multimodal-Mikroskopie 2020Bachelorarbeit
Valentin Lendenmann,
Ramon Mindel
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Mauro Stoffel,
Luzian Weber
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Admir Asanoski Maskenloses Belichtungsverfahren für die Fotolithographie 2015Bachelorarbeit
Daniel Ledergerber,
Simon Scherrer
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