IET Institut für EnergietechnikFachbereichsleiter Power-to-X, Dozent
+41 58 257 43
The "GreenHub" project is one of a total of eight large-scale flagship projects of the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse). Together with 16 research partners, the consortium led by OST is pursuing a clear goal: the development of systemic and innovative approaches for the production, conversion and storage of renewable energy into environmentally friendly liquid fuels using raw materials supplied, for example, by waste incineration plants.
At the Institute of Energy Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, research is being conducted in the field of synthetic energy carriers. A promising possibility for energy storage is the synthesis of hydrogen and carbon dioxide to methanol.
Already today, 43% of road traffic could be powered by synthetic natural gas - and this alone with the conversion of CO2 emissions from cement plants and waste incineration plants. This is the conclusion of a project conducted by the HSR University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil as part of the National Research Programme "Energy Transition" (NRP 70).
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Today, Switzerland covers around three quarters of its energy needs through imports. The upcoming energy transition is leading to uncertainty about future energy supplies and a desire to make greater use of domestic energy sources. However, renewable resources such as biomass are only available to a limited extent. Against this background, the project "Carbon Flows in the Energy Transition" was launched at the Institute for Energy Technology IET. Together with EPFL in Sion, the IET investigated the various energy and carbon sources in Switzerland. Among other things, the research project shows that CO2 levies of between 400 and 700 francs per tonne of CO2 are necessary to bring about a shift away from fossil to renewable energy sources.
Theoretical studies had shown that power-to-gas plants can make a decisive contribution to the conversion of the energy supply from fossil to renewable energy sources. The IET is putting this theory into practice and thus making a decisive contribution to the maturation and deployment of the technology.