Market Research
Supervised teamwork as real-life student consulting project 2 with full-time students from January to June or
as supervised teamwork with part-time students and more in-depth analysis of the client’s business from March to November
Market research is an indispensable tool for providing reliable information on which to base decisions. With a real-life student consulting project in Market Research, you can obtain valuable information about your markets, customers, products or employees.
Possible project content in business administration
The project objectives are defined in advance by the WTT and the client in accordance with the client's specific requirements.
- Market analysis
size, development, forecasts, distribution, penetration, drivers, barriers, potential - Competition analysis
key players, market shares, strengths/weaknesses, business models, profiles, USPs, strategies - (Target) customer analyses
profiles, sectors, expectations, requirements, price acceptance, perception, satisfaction - Trend analysis
megatrends, socio-cultural profiles, technology scouting, substitute products - Sales analyses
sales concepts, distribution channels, sales services, service models - Image and brand analysis
products, services, brands, companies - Employee satisfaction analysis
- Sustainability analysis
Supplementary component in PPBB: business analytics elements
For greater depth on the Market Research assignment, relevant, specifically selected business analytics elements are covered with reference to «KMU*STAR» by Lombriser Roman et al.
- Situation analysis
relevant topics are selected from the following: History, business concept, products/markets (strategic business units), business development, competitive position, skills/resources for all corporate functions, financials/results - Outlook analysis
relevant topics are selected from the following: general trends, plans made, market development, success factors, development of competition, business potential, skills/resource requirements - SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
derived from market research and elements covered in the situation and outlook analysis - Optional strategic directions
derived from market research, elements covered in the situation and outlook analysis and SWOT - Program of operational measures
shows how directions can be implemented at operational level
Real-life student consulting project PPR2 (full-time)
Student input
- Team members: 4-6 students
- Total commitment: approx. 1200 hours
- Full-time students in semester: 4th semester
Lecturer input
- Group seminars: -
- Project coach: 60 hours
- Statistics coach: 10 hours
- IT coach: 3 hours
- Final report: 60 pages, plus management summary and appendices
- PR report
- Final presentation: on client’s premises
- Confidentiality: all data belong to the client and are treated confidentially
- Language: German
Fixed dates
- Start: End of January
- End: Mid-June
- Duration: 17 weeks (alongside lectures)
- Nomination: possible
- Flat rate: CHF 8,500 (excl. VAT) payable to the WTT
- Expenses: approx. CHF 1,500 (as incurred) payable to students
Real-life student consulting project PPBB (part-time)
Student input
- Team members: 4-6 students
- Total commitment: approx. 1,200 hours
- Part-time students in semester: 4th and 5th semester
Lecturer input
- Group seminars: 14 hours
- Project coach: 60 hours
- Statistics coach: 7 hours
- IT coach: 4 hours
- Final report: 90 pages, plus management summary and appendices
- PR report
- Final presentation: on client’s premises
- Confidentiality: all data belong to the client and are treated confidentially
- Language: German
Fixed dates
- Start: Beginning of March
- End: End of November
- Duration: 39 weeks (alongside lectures and work)
- Nomination: possible
- Flat rate: CHF 8,500 (excl. VAT) payable to the WTT
- Expenses: approx. CHF 1,500 (as incurred) payable to students
Suitable for
Businesses of all sizes and from all sectors in Switzerland and in the international Lake Constance region, public institutions and NGOs.
This real-life student consulting project forms an important basis for optimizing the existing market development concept for young customers. Based on well-founded analyzes the project team suggested effective measures. A valuable project with a dedicated team.
Nathalie Schmied, Leiterin Werbung und Promotion St.Galler Kantonalbank AG, St.Gallen